Hungering for God?

Central to the Christian life is the truth that we have been created and designed for relationship with our Maker, Savior, Master and Friend. In our design, we have been given the “equipment” necessary to know Him and experience Him; this is what it means to be created in His…

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David’s Fear

1 Chronicles 13-15 Things were looking up for Israel. United unanimously under one king, David, the failures of King Saul were in the past or so it seemed. With common consent David brought the people together in preparation to move Israel’s most sacred symbol, the ark of the covenant, to…

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Resolutions or Resolute?

“Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord…” Acts 11:23 (NAU)[i] We all laugh when we think about the changes we contemplate every New Year and yet never seem to follow…

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