David’s Fear

1 Chronicles 13-15 Things were looking up for Israel. United unanimously under one king, David, the failures of King Saul were in the past or so it seemed. With common consent David brought the people together in preparation to move Israel’s most sacred symbol, the ark of the covenant, to…

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Resolutions or Resolute?

“Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord…” Acts 11:23 (NAU)[i] We all laugh when we think about the changes we contemplate every New Year and yet never seem to follow…

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A Christmas Thought

In case you haven’t noticed, Christmas has undergone quite a transformation. A radio station in the Madison area boasted that it would play no Christmas music at all and offered prizes to those who could prove otherwise (don’t be overly surprised, it’s Madison after all). A public school bans Santa,…

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Can God Change the Nations?

Should God’s people despair over the condition of the world? Over the condition of our nation? At different times in history, the church has experienced pendulum swings: from extreme pessimism and resignation on the one hand to being overly optimistic and triumphalistic on the other. What should we expect to…

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Why the State Can Never be a Good god

The rise in the popularity of Bernie Sanders should give one pause. His visit to Liberty University was interesting; more interesting were the cheers during his remarks. Most startling were that the cheers were during his defense of the “woman’s right to choose.” He seems especially endearing to younger voters…

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Is There Hope for America? (Part One)

The recent series of videos revealing Planned Parenthood’s real commitments and agenda has disturbed the twisted world of those committed to the “pro-choice” culture of death. “Planned Parenthood,” what a demonic name for these abortuaries. In case you have not noticed, most of the vulnerable women who go in pregnant…

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